Recent news that the Government of Alberta will dissolve the Alberta Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Agency (AEMERA) in favour of a new model resident within Alberta Environment and Parks will not directly affect Fort Air Partnership.
“We have been advised that funding under existing contracts with AEMERA will continue until they can be transitioned to the Government of Alberta. As a result our operations will not be impacted by this change,” confirmed Fort Air Partnership Executive Director Nadine Blaney. FAP receives funding from the Northeast Capital Industrial Association, the Government of Alberta and Alberta’s Industrial Heartland Association.
For the past two years, Fort Air Partnership has been working as a member of the Alberta Airsheds Council in collaboration with AEMERA to develop a sustainable air monitoring framework for the province. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with AEMERA was signed on March 21, signifying the important role Airsheds like Fort Air Partnership play in the province’s monitoring, evaluation and reporting system.
Blaney says this work still has value since the underlying goal of the agreement, to improve and strengthen air quality monitoring throughout the province, is still very applicable.
“All of the issues identified in the MOU, such as province-wide air monitoring, sustainable funding, and clarity on roles and responsibilities in air monitoring and reporting, still apply and need to be dealt with. Airsheds continue to operate close to 50 continuous permanent monitoring stations across the province pursuant to Alberta’s Air Monitoring Directive, as well as facilitate the development of regional and community strategies to improve air quality, including public education and outreach”.